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I’ve been on every major “gurus” list for the last several years and lately I’ve been unsubscribing from so many lists you wouldn’t believe it.  I’ve done work for several top marketers over the last few years and I’ll tell you a lot of them have dropped the quality of their emails significantly.  They no longer care or they’re just to famous to think people will unsubscribe.

I always look for quality content and if possible good offers in their emails.  When people think a good offer is buying a $2000 product with rehash with their own $1000 product of rehash included and think it’s a good deal, I just laugh at them and unsubscribe.  Back in the day you’d get some quality content and at times an offer to buy a good deal.  Nowadays you get an offer to buy a big $$$$ deal every single time.  Please.  I stayed on some lists because I like to read others copy, but there is so many sales pitches  you can take before you hit that dreaded unsubscribe button.

Here’s a little secret for you guys.  You can buy those same $2000 products from less known marketers with different names for less than $100 most of the time.  The concepts the big name marketers teach aren’t new.  They usually just repackage old stuff and add their name to it.

I buy for value on the dollar and I spend big money on products.  If you can convince me it’s not a waste of money 99% of the time I buy it.  I always keep myself relevant and know all the latest techniques.  Whether I invent them or I buy them.

The saying is true though.  “People buy the brand name not the product.”

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